Welcome to Camp Ramah
Lifelong Jewish Connections, One Happy Camper at a Time
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Camp Ramah in the Poconos is an overnight Jewish summer camp in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains for kids and teens grades 2-10.
Camp Videos
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Camp Ramah in the Poconos
Welcome Home
For 75 years, we have built a tradition of warmth, inclusion, radical creativity, and fun in a Jewish environment that your child will call their ‘second home’ for the rest of their lives.

Why Choose Ramah
Programs & Activities
We promote a culture of inclusion and innovation when it comes to camp programming. Your child will experience creative, experiential, and just plain off-the-wall fun experiences for aruchat boker (breakfast) until lilah tov.
Our Programs
2nd & 3rd Grade
Taste of Ramah
An introduction to sleep-away camp, our 6-day program will give your camper a 'taste' of everything the Ramah experience has to offer, including sports, arts, bunk activities, and a joyous camp shabbat.
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Overnight Program
From 1-session to full summer, experience an unforgettable summer filled with sports, music, arts, outdoor adventure, and friendships - all within a vibrant, fun, joyful, and caring Jewish community.
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Ramah Day Camp
RDC Philly is a dynamic and enriching camp experience for campers entering pre-K through current 7th graders. Enjoy a summer of growth, exploration, and lots and lots of fun!
Campers with Disabilities
We strive to serve campers with a wide range of disabilities including developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, learning differences and neurological impairments.